Composition: 100% Bee pollen.
+ Protein: 25-28%.
+ Glucide: 50-55%.
+ Lipid: 1,5-2,5%.
+ Canxi: 0,15-0,3%.
+ Vitamin (B complex, C, D, E, H, K, PP, Folic Acid, Choline, Inositol, Rutin).
+ Minerals: (K, Na, Ca, Mg, P, S...).
+ Enzyme.
+ Pollen helps the body absorb nutrients with appetite, cool the liver and nourish the kidney.
+ Pollen is very good for anorexia children with intestinal diseases, and anemia.
Suggested use:
+ Oral use.
+ Pollen can be used instead of daily tea, as dietary supplement for people with cardiovascular problems, asthenia, digestive disorders, Pakingson (tremor of hands and feet), anemia, especially for obesity women, etc...
Storage condition: Store in a dry and cool place; avoid direct sunlight.
Expiry of use: 18 months from manufacturing date.
Availability: Bee pollen packed in glass jars of 120g or 250g, box of 24 jars.